karen young

WellRive’s Exclusive Q&A with Expert Real Estate Insights

Moving can be stressful for anyone, especially for older adults where the process can feel overwhelming. WellRive understands the unique needs and challenges seniors face during a transition, and that’s why we partner with experienced real estate agents who specialize in senior relocation.

In this exclusive Q&A, we get valuable insights from Karen Young, a WellRive-partnered agent with over 14 years of experience guiding seniors through the real estate process. Karen holds the prestigious SRES® designation, signifying a commitment to ongoing education and expertise in serving older clientele.

Q: Can you introduce yourself and explain your role as a real estate agent with WellRive?
A: I am a licensed real estate agent specializing in corporate real estate for senior executives’ retail clients, operating in Northeast Texas. My affiliation with WellRive, a division under CRI, began when I was a client, both domestically and internationally, moving locations over 14 times. This experience honed my expertise in single and multi-family home transfers. At WellRive, we’ve evolved to meet the changing dynamics of the senior market. Originally, seniors preferred to stay near relatives in multi-generational homes, but today, families are more dispersed. My role involves managing these complex transitions, ensuring seniors move from active lifestyles to semi-retirement smoothly, without the stress of rapid, unplanned relocations due to health emergencies.

Challenges and Opportunities in Today’s Market

Finding the perfect property can be a challenge for older adults, especially one that prioritizes safety and accessibility.  This might mean features like wider doorways, grab bars in bathrooms, and single-level living. The current market can be tight on inventory, making finding a home that ticks all the boxes more difficult.

Karen stresses the importance of being vigilant about market trends, which can change rapidly. She says, “It’s crucial not only to monitor these shifts but to understand how they affect the availability and demand for senior-friendly housing. We keep a close eye on market conditions to ensure that we can offer our clients the most suitable options as soon as they hit the market. This proactive approach helps in navigating through the complexities of real estate transactions tailored for seniors.”

Letting go of cherished belongings during a downsize can also be an emotional hurdle. Karen often sees clients struggle with this process. Karen recalls the story of an elderly gentleman who found it particularly tough to let go of possessions accumulated over decades. “He was emotionally attached to every little item, and the thought of downsizing was overwhelming for him,” Karen explains. “In situations like these, WellRive’s senior move specialists step in to offer not just logistical support but also emotional guidance, helping clients manage the stress and anxiety that come with big life changes.”

Q: What does the SRES® designation mean, and how does it benefit your senior clients?
A: The SRES® (Seniors Real Estate Specialist) designation signifies a higher level of commitment to understanding the needs of aging clients. It involves adhering to a strict code of ethics, engaging in continuous education, and being well-versed in unique offerings like tax breaks for seniors and specialized housing options such as tiered living facilities. This designation ensures that I am equipped to handle the nuances of senior real estate transactions, offering tailored advice and services.

Additionally, Karen discusses the flexibility WellRive offers through its services. “Sometimes, after assessing a situation, it becomes apparent that the best solution is not moving but modifying the existing home to better suit the senior’s needs,” she notes. “We’ve seen great success with installations like stairlifts and bathroom safety features, which can make a significant difference in a senior’s ability to live independently.”

The WellRive Advantage

WellRive’s greatest strength is its network of trusted professionals. This network includes movers, senior care advisors, and even specialists who can help with downsizing and estate sales. By leveraging this network, WellRive can alleviate the burden of research and handle all the logistics of a move, allowing clients to focus on what matters most – settling into their new home.

WellRive’s services are also invaluable for families who may not live nearby and can’t manage the logistics of a move for their older loved ones. WellRive acts as a single point of contact,  overseeing the entire process and keeping everyone informed.

Karen shared, “One memorable case involved a couple who had lived in the same home for over 25 years. It became clear that maintaining their home was becoming too demanding on their health. The emotional journey of downsizing was challenging, yet with the support from WellRive and a team of compassionate move managers, the couple was able to transition smoothly to a more manageable living situation, closer to their family. It was not just a move but a positive step towards a new chapter in their lives.”

Q: How do you tailor your approach to meet the unique needs of seniors transitioning to assisted living?
A: Understanding a senior’s physical capabilities is paramount. Whether it involves mobility concerns, vision impairments, or other health factors, these aspects significantly influence housing options. For instance, avoiding stairs and finding homes that support mobility aids are crucial considerations. Beyond physical needs, I engage in frank discussions about financial situations and lifestyle preferences to ensure the housing solutions align with their desires and capabilities.

Planning for Your Future Move

For older adults and their families, starting the planning process early is key. Ideally, begin discussions about future living arrangements in your 50s. Early planning allows for a smoother transition later in life. WellRive offers a variety of resources to help families envision the possibilities and make informed decisions about senior living options.

Q: How should seniors and their families prepare for a move, and what role does WellRive play in that process?
A: Preparation should ideally begin in one’s 50s, involving careful consideration of future living desires and needs. WellRive plays a crucial role in educating families about the realities of aging and the importance of planning ahead. This proactive approach helps mitigate the shock and discomfort of emergency relocations.

Remember, moving doesn’t have to be a stressful event. By planning and working with a knowledgeable team of experts like WellRive, you can make it a positive step towards a brighter future.

The Future of Senior Real Estate

The growing need for ethical services that prioritize client well-being is essential, especially with the increasing population of older adults. Companies like WellRive are leading the way in protecting older adults from predatory practices in the housing market.  WellRive’s commitment to best practices and expertise ensures a safe and secure experience for every client.

Q: How do you see the future of real estate services for seniors evolving, particularly with companies like WellRive?
A: The future is promising, with increased awareness and better protections against predatory practices. As regulations evolve and awareness of senior needs increases, companies like WellRive are well-positioned to offer more tailored, respectful, and comprehensive services that safeguard seniors’ interests and enhance their quality of life during transitions.

Your Trusted Guide to a Smooth Senior Move

Imagine settling into a new home that perfectly complements your golden years – a space that’s safe, comfortable, and brimming with exciting possibilities.  With WellRive as your trusted partner, navigating the relocation process doesn’t have to be daunting. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation and take the first step towards a brighter future in your dream home.